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    Jun '20

    Give Us Your Best Travel Brag | Contest 7

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    in Of Interest

    Apex travelers are, of course, all modest, humble, seemly people. But we know that many of you, in the course of your far-flung traveling careers, have done some truly remarkable and impressive things. You may not willingly bring these accomplishments up; you may mention them only to a select few friends; but deep down inside, you know that you have done something amazing.

    Well, for this week’s contest, we want you to cast all semblance of modesty and decorum aside, and let it all hang out. We want you to:

    Give Us Your Best Travel Brag


    Were you the first outsider to enter a long-closed country or remote valley? Did you complete a challenging overland hike, small boat journey, or mountain climb? Are you one of the few ever to see a certain mega-rare bird, mammal, or fish? Now’s your chance to tell the world, stigma-free.

    Tell us about your achievement in about 50 words or less, and leave it in the Comments section. Previous entries won’t be visible until the contest is finished. Entrants will be judged not on their lack of humility, but on the uniqueness or magnitude of their accomplishment. So, come on and post your foremost boast!

    The deadline for submission is Thursday, June 25, 11:59 p.m. PST. We’ll announce the winner on June 26. Good luck to everyone!

2 Comments on Give Us Your Best Travel Brag | Contest 7

    Marcie Ryan says:

    My travel brag is about the time I fell through the reefs of a floating island in Peru’s Lake Titicaca! I wandered around the back side of one of the indigenous resident’s thatched reed hut to capture that perfect photo. Without any warning, I fell through the reeds into the lake up to my armpits! I had to be pulled out, but thankfully, the camera was spared.

    Don Pisor says:

    In the early 1960’s, I had a job that I couldn’t tell anyone about. Now it is possible. Early every Monday morning I and other engineers would board an aging Lockheed Constellation and head off to Area 51. My job was an inertial navigation engineer on the super secret, still fastest planes: the A-12, YF-12 and SR-71. I consider this the best job ever! (Unfortunately, this had nothing to do with Apex.)

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