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    Nov '20

    Apex Live! Encore Performance: Peter and the Woodpeckers

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    in Of Interest

    On October 24, 2020, an historic event occurred. It was called Apex Live!—the first ever online recap, featuring our field leaders. It was just like a shipboard evening recap…only different. The occasion garnered a great response. We asked each of our three presenters that evening to reflect on this time they have spent at home and recap about their own backyards.

    In this encore performance, Peter Harrison, who has been spending a lot more time than usual in view of his bird feeder, tells us about some of his most colorful and astonishing visitors, the woodpeckers.

2 Comments on Apex Live! Encore Performance: Peter and the Woodpeckers

    Meg Symington says:


    I’m just seeing this now since we couldn’t make the live performance. Thank you for your tour de force of the woodpeckers! John and I get 4 species at our feeders here in Washington DC regularly and 2 additional in our yard on sporadic basis: hairy, downy, flicker, red-bellied, pileated and yellow-bellied sapsucker. Red-bellied sapsucker would be a lifer for us! Loved seeing the picture.

    Best wishes,


    Patti Malloy says:

    Just rewatching the woodpeckers lecture. Fascinating Peter. Thank you for all
    of the woodpecker data. Now I’ll try to remember “descent” of woodpeckers. Hope I can do it. Many thanks to you and Shirley for sharing your well learned information.

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