Apex expeditions image of field leader Ingrid Nixon

Ingrid Nixon

Why do I love travel? The world calls to us, 'Let me tell you a story...' So we go. We experience new creatures, places, peoples. And in doing so, we discover our own stories.

South Georgia cruise photo showing King Penguins and Apex expedition leader Ingrid Nixon

To catch the early morning light at Gold Harbour on South Georgia is always a “pinch-me” experience.

Chile tours image of flamingos near San Pedro de Atacama

Fabulous flamingos fly and feed in the saline lakes of San Pedro de Atacama. © Ingrid Nixon

Magic happens in wild places. © Ingrid Nixon

Antarctica, South Georgia and Falklands small ship cruise photo of Adelie Penguins

Maybe penguins really can fly! Adelie penguins, Antarctic Peninsula. © Ingrid Nixon

Expedition Leader Ingrid Nixon

Ingrid Nixon is a professional storyteller and former National Park Service ranger. She has worked in expedition tourism for over three decades, sharing stories of exploration, folklore, and natural history, while leading groups and driving Zodiacs. In her 20 years with the National Park Service, she directed the interpretive and education programs in three national parks: Alaska’s Glacier Bay and Denali, and Mount Rainier in Washington State. She led the effort in creating the innovative science education and partnership program for Denali’s Murie Science and Learning Center, which represents eight of Alaska’s northern national parks. As an award-winning storyteller, Ingrid performs myths, tall tales, historical stories, folktales, and more at storytelling festivals and events throughout the United States, including the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN. With a degree in Broadcast Journalism, she has written, hosted and/or narrated numerous films about national parks and won several national awards for her work. Over the years she’s also worked as a journalist, copywriter, and jack-of-all trades for a public radio station. Ingrid holds a master’s degree in Storytelling from East Tennessee State University.

For more on Ingrid’s storytelling: www.ingridnixon.com

Travel with Ingrid is not only informative, but a great deal of fun. She is sooooo knowledgeable! Even tempered as well. Always look forward to another journey with her.

-Sandy G., Baltimore, MD

Ingrid's Expeditions

Costa Rica to Chile (October 30 – November 18, 2024) green arrow linking to Costa Rica to Chile

Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile—encounter staggering wildlife and cultural riches in national parks, and World Heritage sites along the West Coast of South America.

West Africa (April 21 – May 13, 2025) green arrow linking to West Africa

Soak in West Africa’s dizzying blend of markets, traditional dance, and music, while traversing primate-rich rainforests, scenic deserts, and remote archipelagos.

British Isles (May 12 – 25, 2025) green arrow linking to British Isles

Discover the remote coastlines of Great Britain and Ireland, exploring geological wonders, archeological sites, and rugged cliffs with teeming seabird colonies.

Reykjavík to Churchill (July 8 – 26, 2025) green arrow linking to Reykjavík to Churchill

Sail from Iceland to Hudson Bay, on a quest for Inuit culture and arctic wildlife—Polar Bears, Belugas, Walrus, and more—among the islands of the Far North.

Eastern Turkey with Cappadocia (September 14 – 28, 2025) green arrow linking to Eastern Turkey with Cappadocia

Explore ruins of forgotten civilizations, view wetlands teeming with migratory birds at the foot of Mt. Ararat, and balloon over the astonishing landscapes of Cappadocia.

Antarctica with the Falkland Islands and South Georgia (November 22 – December 11, 2025) green arrow linking to Antarctica with the Falkland Islands and South Georgia

Join our experienced team of expedition leaders for the ultimate Southern Ocean expedition, at the beginning of the austral summer when colonies are most active.

Ask Ingrid a question about her upcoming expeditions?

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Knot Necessarily Effective

Sailors have always been a superstitious lot, especially in the days of sail. With wind and seas beyond their control, they sought to control what they could. This is why some sailors carried around in their pockets special ropes tied in three knots. Created by “sea witches”, these knotted ropes came in handy when becalmed. To untie one knot brought a gentle wind from the southwest; two knots, a strong wind from the north; and three knots would unleash a tempest.