Apex Expeditions leader Peter Harrison

Peter Harrison

My simple reason for being is to share with others the magic, the awe and the enchantment that I see each day in my travels.

New Zealand Subantarctic Islands Cruise slide shows Royal Albatross on Campbell Island

Love at first sight. A majestic Royal Albatross sits atop a windswept headland at Campbell Island, New Zealand.

Patagonia tours image shows Pincoya Storm Petrel in Chile

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Event! The Pincoya Storm Petrel in southern Chile, the first new storm petrel to be discovered in almost 90 years.

Outer Hebrides cruise image shows four Puffins in Flannan Isles

Comical and demure the Atlantic Puffin is a character straight from central casting. They remind us once again of the child that dwells in each of us.

South Georgia Island cruise photo shows Wandering Albatross

A feathered 747, some Wandering Albatrosses measure over 11 feet wing tip to wing tip, can live to be over 60 years and are capable of flying over 2 million miles in a single lifetime.

South Georgia Island tour photo showing Macaroni Penguins

A Southern Ocean phenomena, penguins are the only family of birds where all members are both flightless and aquatic. The Macaroni is arguably most peoples’ favorite.

Galapagos tours slide of Greater Flamingos

Birds, perhaps the most colorful and vivid expression of life. Without their keratin-rich diet of brine shrimp, flamingos would turn white.

Expedition Leader Peter Harrison

Peter Harrison is a Fellow of the Explorers’ Club and has led expeditions throughout the world. He has written and illustrated over a dozen books, of which his latest, Seabirds: The New Identification Guide, published May 2021, has taken the birding world by storm, leading one reviewer to describe it as “a masterpiece of science and art.” It is the new “bible” of seabird identification.

Peter has devoted much of his time to conservation efforts. In recognition of his outstanding work in natural history, Peter was honored with the title, “Member of the British Empire” by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. More recently, Peter received the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds’ prestigious Conservation Gold Medal Award. This honor is bestowed upon one individual each year in recognition of their support and dedication to wild bird protection and global habitat conservation. Past recipients have included Sir David Attenborough. In March of 2017 Peter was the recipient of the New York “Linnaean Society’s Eisenmann Award for Excellence in Ornithology.”

Exploration and discovery remain a driving force for Peter and during a recent expedition to Chile he led a six-person team to locate, catch and describe the first completely new storm petrel species to be discovered in nearly 100 years, the Pincoya Storm Petrel. It is safe to say that with Peter leading the charge, adventure always abounds.


"Since starting expedition travel 25 years ago, our lives have been enriched by the many trips we have taken with Peter. The experiences we have shared have been amazing."

-Penny M., California

Peter's Expeditions

Costa Rica to Chile (October 30 – November 18, 2024) green arrow linking to Costa Rica to Chile

Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile—encounter staggering wildlife and cultural riches in national parks, and World Heritage sites along the West Coast of South America.

British Isles (May 12 – 25, 2025) green arrow linking to British Isles

Discover the remote coastlines of Great Britain and Ireland, exploring geological wonders, archeological sites, and rugged cliffs with teeming seabird colonies.

Taiwan, Philippines & Indonesia (June 9 – 27, 2025) green arrow linking to Taiwan, Philippines & Indonesia

Crossing both the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator, weave your way through some of the most biodiverse regions on the planet for incredible wildlife and ancient cultures.

Antarctica with the Falkland Islands and South Georgia (November 22 – December 11, 2025) green arrow linking to Antarctica with the Falkland Islands and South Georgia

Join our experienced team of expedition leaders for the ultimate Southern Ocean expedition, at the beginning of the austral summer when colonies are most active.

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Albatross, from the smallest (Light-mantled Sooty) to the largest (Wandering Albatross)

The 21 species of albatross are among the longest-lived, the most itinerant, and with the largest wingspans, of all extant birds. Some live longer than 60 years, fly more than 1,000 miles each day, and have wingspans in excess of 12 feet. Alas, 19 of the 21 species of albatrosses are listed as threatened and their future survival remains shrouded in uncertainty. Numbers have plummeted in the last 50 years due to the introduction of predators at their remote breeding islands and more recently due to high mortality in the commercial long-line fishing industry.